My tea things - ready for service

My tea things - ready for service

Monday, July 16, 2007

Dragonwell Tea (Long Jing / Lung Ching)

I have since found a Chinese Emporium in Hobart which sells Dragonwell tea. I am trying to consume my current Adelaide batch so that I am 'forced' to buy some. I am really enjoying the Dragonwell tea. It is perhaps one of the most well-balanced Chinese Green teas I have tried. It is smoother than a Gunpowder or Chun Mee, and yet deeper than the Monkey Green. I wonder how different the top of the range Dragonwell tea would be. Mmmm, must find out some time...

The origin of Dragonwell tea is rather fascinating. It is China’s most famous tea and has over a thousand year history and is referred to in the first ever tea book (Cha Ching) by Lu Yu in the Tang dynasty. Longjing comes from a small village on the Fenghuang Hill, in Hangzhou Zhengjiang Province. It is said that residents in ancient times believed that a dragon dwelt there and controlled the rainfall. This caused people to travel to this well from all the surrounding areas whenever there was a drought to pray for rainfall, from as early as the Three Kingdoms Period (221-280AD). The origin of this belief may be due to the fact that when rain water floats on the denser well water it makes shapes appear which resemble the movement of a dragon.

1 comment:

Hazel said...

Hi would you know where I can buy this tea in Adelaide?